More About William Valles

I was born at the dawn of the '60's in the city of Lawrence, Kansas USA when my father, a Command Pilot in the U.S. Air Force at that time, happened to be stationed there. That's not where I'm from, you understand. That was my point of entry into the world. But then again, most military brats are forever rootless and misfits wherever they go. The legacy of my birth coupled with my early exposure to leaky hydrogen bombs strapped underneath my dad's jet bomber and too much black-and-white television (for you kids out there that don't know: this is what TV was called before it was broadcast in color and you had more than three channels that you had to change by hand!) probably explains more about me than anything I could make up on my own.

I currently live in a little rural town in the north central region of the great state of Georgia; land of my mother's people. I was recently laid off (let go; downsized; expelled; exiled; banished; 'Branded---scorned is the one who ran') from a job over a year ago as a systems engineer working with Sun Microsystems/Oracle products for the past fourteen years. I am married to a wonderful woman named Julie, no children, pets include a Weimaraner called Einstein and a Siamese cat named Jasmine.

I am partly Catalonian Spanish descent on my father's side and partly Scots-Irish and Welsh on my mother's side. I don't speak a word of Spanish except maybe enough to pronounce my last name. This peculiar and typically eclectic American combination of ingredients in my genetic smoothie, if not kept in check, fills me with a predisposed inclination to wander off and force native peoples to divulge the whereabouts of their gold dressed in a kilt sipping moonshine while listening to the far off strain of bagpipes wafting across misty, foggy mountains. Sometimes, when the weather turns crisp and cold, I have an overpowering urge to sail off in a Viking long boat and raid the Irish coast in search of tapas bars for some unfathomable reason.

Other than that, I'm just a 'dude', Dude.
